Two Eclipse Icons in Windows 7 taskbar

I had an annoying problem on Windows 7 x64 with Helios x64 where I had pinned Eclipse to the taskbar but would see two icons whenever Eclipse was running. I found that the following workaround works with the option “Always combine, hide labels” for taskbar buttons.

  • You must specify a -vm argument in your “eclipse.ini” file (in your Eclipse directory).
  • The -vm argument in your “eclipse.ini” must point to the bin directory of your JDK or JRE (and not to javaw.exe). For me the argument is “C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_27/bin/” without quotes.
  • Unpin Eclipse from the taskbar or delete the shortcut
  • Run “eclipse.exe” from Windows Explorer and choose your workspace
  • Pin Eclipse to the taskbar after the splash screen has loaded and the main window is shown

Hope this helps.