Two Eclipse Icons in Windows 7 taskbar

I had an annoying problem on Windows 7 x64 with Helios x64 where I had pinned Eclipse to the taskbar but would see two icons whenever Eclipse was running. I found that the following workaround works with the option “Always combine, hide labels” for taskbar buttons. You must specify a -vm argument in your “eclipse.ini” file (in your Eclipse directory). The -vm argument in your “eclipse.ini” must point to the bin directory of your JDK or JRE (and not to javaw. [Read More]

Eclipse keyboard shortcuts

When I first started working at Intelliware I was amazed at how efficient the developers were while working in Eclipse. Most of this efficiency and speed came from a deep knowledge of Eclipse’s keyboard shortcuts. Here is my list of Eclipse keyboard shortcuts that every developer should know. Ctrl-Shift-L: Show list of shortcuts Ctrl-K: Find next Ctrl-Shift-R: Open a file in your workspace. It supports CamelCase shorthand too, so “SBFil” will find “SomeBigFile. [Read More]

Eclipse can't find source when remote debugging

I had a problem recently where Eclipse couldn’t find my source files when remote debugging a particular application. It would stop and the breakpoint and show the class file with a “attach source” button, but pointing it to the source directory didn’t do anything. It turns out that the solution was to add the project to the remote debug configuration. This is done by “Run -> Debug configurations…” Choose the remote config from the tree on the left [Read More]